The Truth Always Wins

Whether it is politics, the workplace or even Church, being surrounded by others with different beliefs can be very stressful. We struggle to ‘convince’ others our beliefs are true. We are tempted to ‘shut down’ those who disagree with us, but that only creates battles. The Lord said to the Jews who had come to…

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God Was Seen Among His People

When people say ‘seeing is believing’ they are expressing more than just doubt. Something that can be seen is real and tangible. With our human perception and sensory system, we all eventually believe what can be ‘revealed’ to us. Well, God was revealed to His people. TIMOTHY, my son, those who serve well as deacons…

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You Cannot Sneak into Heaven

As Christians we admit there is just one way into heaven. We can only ‘get into’ heaven through Jesus Christ. That is one reason I often speak about the importance of the truth of Who Christ is. There is another truth to accept. Since Jesus is the only way in, no other way will work.…

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The Importance of BEING Orthodox

Whether you agree with recent statistics or not, you cannot deny the plentitude of groups calling themselves Christians. One recent statistic counts Christian denominations at more than 43,000 separate governing bodies of ‘churches’, all claiming to the be the ‘true’ Church of Christ. Brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling…

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Two Faced Christians

For years I have witnessed with frustration Christians welcome visitors, even invite visitors, only to reject visitors who may want to join the Church. Its one thing to visit. Its another thing to join. So long as visitors keep a safe distance, we’re happy to welcome them. Just keep a distance. Brethren, when Peter came…

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Don’t Twist the Saints

The devil will never stop trying to trick us away from God’s path. He fooled Eve using her ego to taste the fruit, and she died along with Adam. He fooled Judas using his ego to betray Christ, and he died. At every turn the devil uses our ego against us, always to fool us…

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Episode 429 – Sheep Follow the Shepherd

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

Last week the Church commemorated the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. Christ promised the Holy Spirit would guide the Holy Apostles into all the truth. Christ appointed the Apostles to shepherd the Church to heaven. The Apostles ordained Bishops and throughout history, the Bishops of the Church have served as shepherd leading…

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Unity in Love

Different people making a heart figure

Since before Christ’s Holy Passion, He has been urging us to unity in love. In the twenty centuries since, the Church has been fighting to maintain unity. We have not always been successful, so we have also been fighting to restore unity where it has been lost. The Lord said to his disciples, “The words…

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Spiritual Warfare

Together we are stronger sign

I’m sure you’ve heard about spiritual warfare. The devil has been at war with the Church since the beginning. Throughout the centuries just when everything seems to be going well for the Church, something disrupts our progress. Peace doesn’t seem to last long in the Church. IN THOSE DAYS, Paul went on with Barnabas to…

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The Fight from Within

Location of St Stephen's Martyrdom

We know from the Scriptures and Christian history that many fight the Church from outside the Church. The Pagan persecution, the Islamic influence, and even secularism have all been fighting the Church. We know how to defeat them, but how do we defeat those who from the Church from within? In those days, Stephen, full…

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