Welcome to another Great Lent
Each year Be Transfigured Ministries offers a Daily Lenten Journey Blog to assist you in maintaining a holy focus during the struggle that is the Great Fast. This year, we invite you to do just a little bit more than you did last year during the Great Fast. It is not our goal to be your spiritual father. Not only is that not possible since we only “know each other” through blog posts and videos, but because our Holy Tradition is to have a spiritual relationship with our Father Confessor. He is responsible to God to guide you in the proper director for your salvation. Here are a few pointers for this year.
Evaluate your fasting – Did you fast for the first time last year, or have you been fasting for years? Either way, make an appointment with your Spiritual Father and ask him for guidance on taking another step this year. Maybe this year will be your first year attempting the Lenten Fast. It is even more important to consult your Spiritual Father because the Fast can be overwhelming if you’ve never experienced it before. Your Spiritual Father desires your success. He will offer you’re a fasting plan for this year that will help you grow, rather than crush your intentions.
Evaluate your prayer life – Do you pray every morning and evening, or just when you have a chance. Either way, your Spiritual Father will offer you a beneficial prayer rule that is meant to draw you closer to God. Prayer can be a freeing experience if we allow it, but it can also be a prideful trap if we treat prayer as a “list of desires” we expect God to grant.
Evaluate your Church attendance – What about attending the additional Church services? Most parishes offer an increased liturgical life during Great Lent. Check out the schedule and figure out when you can attend. Again, your Spiritual Father knows your experience and your needs. He knows which services can be of benefit for you in your Lenten Journey. Not all services are equal, but all are a blessing. Including corporate worship into your Great Lenten Journey is an excellent way to “get a boost” from those who are also engaged in the struggle.
Evaluate your love for the poor – Many faithful Christians spend their Great Lent journey focusing so much on fasting, we forget that poor. Saint John Chrysostom suggested we gather the money we save by fasting and offer it to the poor. Naturally in today’s world fasting may not actually be a financial savings, but we nonetheless must remember the poor. Your Spiritual Father will be able to guide you to one charity or another that works in your local area. Maybe your local parish offers a soup kitchen. This could be a great way for you to help.
Great Lent is a spiritual struggle that makes us stronger and draws us closer to God, IF we allow for it. With the help of your Spiritual Father, we here at Be Transfigured Ministries hopes it will be a blessing to you.