Welcome to Be Transfigured Ministries


As I mentioned a few weeks ago, our current website was no longer compliant with the host servers. This caused our entire website design to become non-functional, although we have been able to post blogs, and you have been able to read posts. Navigating through our site has been very complicated. After meeting with GoDaddy, it became obvious that we needed to do something quickly and you responded.

In the past three weeks, you our supporters, have generously donated enough funds to fully redesign and develop our new website, with enough funds to pay also for the entire first year of maintenance and tech support. Today we approved the funds for the redesign and development work to begin. We hope to have the new site up and running in May.

Since we reached our goal before Pascha, we will continue to raise funds through Pascha as part of our annual Great Lent Appeal and these funds will be allocated to the next year of support and maintenance for the new website. Again….THANK YOU for you prayer and support.

Have a blessed Pascha,
Fr Athanasios C Haros, President and Founder
Be Transfigured Ministries


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