Day Trips Are a Summer Tradition

As part of our mini-series offering summer activities for our children, today’s suggestion is to take a day trip. Everyone enjoys a nice day trip to a favorite beach or nature walk, but have you ever considered a day trip to an area church? There are many beautiful Orthodox Churches close enough to your home for an inspirational and enjoyable day trip.

Taking time to actually travel to a church for a special prayer or service has been a long-time tradition of our Holy Orthodox Church. Within driving distance to your city are probably a dozen day trips to see old and new churches and even spend time in different monasteries. Imagine the blessing your family will receive if the next time you wonder what to do for a Saturday afternoon you say, “How about going to visit the Monastery?” Just a drive away, this day trip will be a special blessing and memory for the entire family.

Day trips for prayer and pilgrimage are a rich blessing and a unique way of spending some family time during the summer months. Between the Holy Monasteries and Churches, or even the National Shrines and Ministries, there are enough places to visit somewhere different each week this summer.

Here is a link to “every” Orthodox Christian Parish in the United States “in communion” with each other. Just plug in your local zip code, and every parish near your home will be listed.

Blessed travels!


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