Let’s Go Public!

Though not as common in the modern Church, especially here in America, throughout history, public displays of the Orthodox Faith were a vital part of both evangelism and apologetics. Processions such as the Sunday of Orthodoxy which took place yesterday in every Orthodox Church throughout the world, used to be very public events. You wouldn’t realize it by the way the Feast is commonly celebrated today with Sunday School processions inside the Church, but at one point such processions could be witnessed throughout the year.

Thankfully, the public Sunday of Orthodoxy Processions are gaining in popularity as more and more Churches exit the doors and circle the Church building proudly holding their Icons for all to see. I am thankful, because just as in past centuries, the Church has very public competition for the loyalty and faith of our members. You may not realize the origin of such public processions can be found as a response to the grand pagan processions through the cities.

The Sunday of Orthodoxy Procession always reminds of that history when we sing, “Who is so great a god as our God. You alone are the God who does wonders!” This is a historical memory of our willingness to ‘take on’ the pagan beliefs with the Truth of God. Put in very contemporary and slightly childish terms, “Oh yea! You think your god is so special? Your god is nothing like OUR GOD, He alone does wonders!” Imagine meeting in the town square with dueling processions complete with gold crosses, billowing incense, clergy in bright-colored vestments, and the faithful all clutching their faithful icons of faith. It is enough to convince any pagan that we meant business, and it often worked, as is evidenced by the growth of the Church in the early centuries.

In a way we are quickly returning to similar cultural conflicts with our fellow citizens. Our ever-growing pagan society has no shame in parading their idols through the public square, sometimes calling it the internet or cable tv, daring us to stand up to their beliefs. Oh sure, we don’t mind going outside our churches on Holy Friday and Holy Saturday night, but why limit our public faith to just one or two nights a year? Why not take the Holy Icons on the Sunday of Orthodoxy OUTSIDE the Church and declare the truth of God, OUR GOD, the one who ALONE does wonders?

There is another opportunity coming in two weeks on the Third Sunday of Lent, the Sunday of the Holy Cross. Another procession will take place, unfortunately most churches will remain within their closed walls where only they can watch. I say, let’s go public with our faith! The enemy has already taken to the streets (literally and figuratively) daring us to do something about their war against our members.

Of course there are many ways we can accomplish going public, which I will focus on this week for our Daily Lenten Journey.


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