Out with the Old…In with the New!
Today is the last day of 2021, and everyone will be making New Year Resolutions. As clocks hit midnight across the globe tonight, good intentioned men and women will rush to confirm New Year resolutions. Of course, many if not most if not all New Year resolutions end up in the garbage pail by the end of the first week of the New Year, but that won’t stop millions across the globe from faithfully committing to improving their lives this year. In many cases, people make the same resolutions every year. Some common resolutions are:
- Exercise more
- Lose weight
- Get organized
- Learn a new skill or hobby
- Live life to the fullest
- Save more money / spend less money
- Quit smoking
- Spend more time with family and friends
- Travel more
- Read more
We make resolutions also about our spiritual life. Looking deeper than the typical resolutions is not only preferable, maybe it is more understandable. Maybe you made one or more last year. Maybe they didn’t last past the first week, and maybe they lasted all year. We can always be better than we are, especially in our spiritual journey. How about considering this list for 2022?
- Read the Bible more
- Fast more
- Pray more
- Serve the poor more
- Receive Holy Communion more
- Go to Holy Confession more
- Attend Divine Liturgy more
- Attend other Church services more
- Incorporate the Cathedral schedule into my family calendar
- Consider the needs of the Cathedral when I plan my finances
May 2022 be blessed!