Day 5 – How Does it Feel?
You may not realize it yet, but today is the last day of the first week of Great Lent, sort of. It may only be Friday, but today something changes. You see, in the Church calendar, every day is not “created equal”, and this is most evident during Great Lent. Allow me to explain.
This past Sunday evening, as we entered Holy and Great Lent, the Church was darkened, lights turned off, Altar covers changed from bright colors to dark purple or black, and we solemnly entered Great Lent in prayer and fasting. This evening is most Churches, you will notice something change. The lights are back on, and the Altar covers will return to bright colors. Even the fast changes tomorrow.
During Great Lent the weekly calendar is comprised of two parts. The first (and largest) part is Monday through Friday. The weekdays of Great Lent are what the Church refers to as “penitent” and focus our attention on deep spiritual repentance. We attend services in darkened Churches, sometimes struggling even to read the prayers by candlelight. On Saturday and Sunday, the lights are on, the colors are bright, and even the Liturgies are different. Monday through Friday, the Church only celebrates the Presanctified Liturgy (see Wednesday’s post) but on Saturday and Sunday a full Divine Liturgy (with consecration prayers) is celebrated.
Even fasting changes tomorrow. Saturday and Sunday, the Church eases our fast. Practically speaking, this means if we reduce our fast “one level” (see Press the Reset Button) from the weekdays. Admittedly, this is less noticeable if you are not following the strict fast, but Saturday and Sunday should be different from the rest of the week.
So tonight, as you see the lights on and the colors bright, and as you fast a little differently tomorrow, you will know that means you have finished the first week of Great Lent. How does it feel? Only five more weeks to go!