So, Whom are You Bringing to Christ?

As Christ traveled from town to town many sick and suffering were brought to Him for healing. Once in Capernaum Jesus was speaking at a home filled to capacity by listeners when four men arrived carrying their paralyzed friend. The house was so full of people the four men couldn’t even get in the door for Christ to help their friend. They were so dedicated to helping their friend that they climbed up on the roof and lowered their friend in to see Christ. Without the efforts of these four friends, this man would still be waiting outside for a chance to see Jesus. “When the Lord saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven you.’” (Mark 2.5)

When we take the time to bring our friends to the Church to meet the Lord, we show our love for our friend and our faith in God. During this Lenten season we are invited by the Church to strengthen our relationship with Christ. Just a few weeks ago we heard Jesus clearly state that our judgment was based upon how we treated others and cared for their needs. The best way we can care for the needs of others, whether our neighbor, friend, or blood relative, is to invite them to join us in Church so they can experience the Love of Christ for themselves.

The nice part is we don’t have to climb up on the roof and let them down on a rope. We can simply invite them to join us sitting in the pews. In Capernaum Jesus was teaching and many came to hear Him. Every Sunday in our Church Jesus speaks to us through His Gospel and the Divine Liturgy and we are gathered to listen and be inspired by His Holy Wisdom. There is only one thing missing….our friends.


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