We NEED Your Help
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
I pray your Great Lenten Journey has been a blessing for you so far. I am writing to you today to let you know of an urgent need for our Ministry. Our website has suddenly become out of date with our servers and is no longer functioning properly. Although our blog and other content is still present it has become difficult to navigate. This has created the requirement to totally rebuild our website from scratch.
We have established a budget of $4000 which will include website design and hosting/maintenance for the first year. I know there are many ministries this time of year asking for your support, including your local Orthodox Christian Parish. The last thing we desire is for your local parish to struggle financially, so please make sure you support your local Orthodox Christian parish before sending any contribution for this project.
You can donate using our website at https://betransfiguredministries.breezechms.com/give/online or via Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/donate/7162038150504246/
We appreciate your continue support and prayers for our ministry. We will continue to produce our Daily Lenten Journey Blog posts and sermons throughout the rebuilding process. It just may be a bit awkward finding the posts, so please be patient. We pray to have our new site designed and developed sooner than later.
Have a blessed Lent,
Father Athanasios C Haros, President and Founder
Be Transfigured Ministries