A pumpkin shaped bowl filled with candies

Halloween Alternatives

For the past week I have seen churches hosting “Alternative Halloween” programs. I don’t question the motives of such events. Many churches consider Halloween to be a demonic celebration in which we Christians should not participate. The problem with all the ‘alternative’ events is they are not alternatives because they are not scheduled for today.

Today’s blog is not about the ‘good and bad’ of Halloween. Whether or not you should participate is between you and your spiritual father. I understand both ‘sides’ of the argument and choose to stand in the middle. If you want a good source from the Orthodox perspective I would direct to the Mystagogy Website. I have a great deal of respect for the author, with whom I attended seminary.

Today’s blog is about alternatives. Allow me to state the obvious. If an event is scheduled on any day other than Halloween, it is not an alternative. It is in fact an additional celebration. If churches are trying to convince their followers NOT to participate in Halloween, the best way would be to schedule an event DURING Halloween. I know of one priest who offers a Paraklesis and vigil annually on Halloween.

Consider how the ancient Church handled alternatives, the most obvious being Pascha. The Church didn’t offer an additional Passover celebration, but a NEW Passover. In fact, the Canonical Tradition forbids Christians from celebrating the Jewish Feasts. The Christian Passover (Pascha) replaced the Jewish Passover, a true alternative.

If you don’t want to participate, you don’t have to participate. There are alternatives YOUR family can do instead of handing out candy or going trick-or-treating. Turn off your outside lights and spend a quiet time at home with your family. There is no rule that you must hand out candy on Halloween.

If you want to offer an alternative event to Halloween, it is too late for this year. Plan for next year. I offer just one suggestion. Speak with your spiritual father FIRST and receive his blessing for the alternative event. He will help you make sure you are living an authentic Orthodox Christian life. That is his responsibility to you and God.


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