Episode 390 – Our Faith in Action

Rev. Fr. Athanasios Haros

When four friends bring a paralyzed man to Christ, it was because of their faith that Christ healed him and forgave his sins. Christ wants for us to have enough faith to bring others to Him. Do you know others who need the healing touch of God? Then put your faith into action and bring…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 14

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

When one paralyzed man was brought by his four friends to Jesus Christ for healing, it was THEIR faith that Jesus noticed. We hear in the Gospel of Mark, “When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” (Mark 2.5) In this encounter, Jesus is reminding us that…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 13

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

When I was younger our family enjoyed road trips. One that I remember most lasted two entire weeks of ‘on the road’ experiences, spending each night in a different location. When it was all finished, our last stop was our own home. Looking back today on that trip, besides the great memories with my family,…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 12

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

To have a the greatest benefit from the story of salvation in Genesis, the beginning of our human journey to heaven, our 2023 Daily Lenten Journey theme is to read every reading from the perspective of salvation, rather than condemnation. Put another way, every time humanity is in jeopardy of eternal condemnation, God steps in…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 11

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

Every good story includes a recap of the plot. When the author does this, it is normally to remind us of the important parts of the story. The author of Genesis, by Holy Tradition it was Moses, does the same thing today. This is the book of the genesis of mankind in the day God…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 10

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

The theme of this year’s Daily Lenten Journey is beginnings. In the spirit of reading from Genesis and repentance, which has the Hebrew meaning of returning to the beginning, the Church wants us to recall where it all began. The story of Genesis is the not the story of creation, but the beginning of our…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 9

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

When an alcoholic awakes, the first thing he thinks about is his next drink. At the same time, for those alcoholics I know, he understands he doesn’t want to be an alcoholic. He doesn’t want to drink, but most days, the temptation is greater than he can bear. Every day is the same battle, and…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 8

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

The first week of Great Lent is behind us. We had our celebrations yesterday for the Sunday of Orthodoxy. In many places our Pan-Orthodox families gathered to proclaim our unity of faith. As the new week dawns, our attention returns to the beginning. Today our focus changes from the story of creation to the story…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 7

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

The Sunday of Orthodox is a day of grand celebration. The Church goes back to her roots with a (often public) procession of icons to commemorate the historic restoration of the Holy Icons by the Empress Irene in the 8th Century. Sunday School children line up with Altar servers and chanters, and proudly display their…

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