2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 6

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

By now, if you’re like the typical Orthodox Christian, you attended at least one ‘extra’ service this week for Great Lent. Churches throughout the world this week had people attending services they may not have ever attended. At least, they haven’t attended the ‘extra’ service since last year. You may be surprised to know the…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 5

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

As we approach the end of the first week of Great Lent, we reach a shift in the story of our beginnings. It was just last Sunday that the Church reminded us of the story in today’s reading from Genesis. Today, we learn what happens when we turn out back on God. The man gave…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 4

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

We awake from sleep. We prepare for a day of work. We return home satisfied, we hope, for the good things accomplished. We rest and sleep for another day of work. Day after day. Year after year. We do all this to fill our stomachs, put a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs,…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 3

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

It can be difficult to ‘see the good’ in others. Let’s face it. The daily news, the internet, even our own eyes, see just how far we have fallen as human beings. It can be depressing, but the Church wants us to have hope. The Church wants us to remember that we were created by…

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