Run to God

It never ceases to amaze me how many people outright ignore God until they need Him. We go through life ‘minding our own business’ until suddenly something takes place that we cannot control. It can be a natural event like a hurricane. It can also be the actions of other people. Either way, because we…

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The Body is not a Shell

skeletons of dead bodies

I find it hard to believe that so many Christians accept cremation of the dead. I also find it hard to believe so many Christians say things like, “They aren’t here,” in reference to the dead. I know grief has a way of clouding the reason, but faith is stronger than grief. The truth is…

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False Prophets

Intuitively we understand the idea of false prophets. It is those who lead us stray from God through their words of warning. In the biblical sense prophets are not future tellers per se. True prophets are allowed by God to see what might happen if and when certain behaviors take place. False prophets use this…

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Trust and Betrayal

There are so many examples of human betrayal it can be difficult to trust anyone. Some parents abandon their families. Some adults abuse the people in their care. Even the ‘system’ can betray us when corrupt leaders take control. It is no surprise then that so many Christians do not trust the Church. I get…

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Episode 399 – Living as Saints

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

When we accept the invitation to become saints, we must also accept the challenge of a life willing to give it all up for God. We must live the life of the Church which has been guided by the Holy Spirit since Pentecost. A life of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving is meant to help us…

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The Divine Standard

One of the things I’ve noticed recently about keyboard warriors is that they rarely live the message they proclaim. This is not limited to Christians. It seems lately that everyone is ready and willing to offer advice and demand behavior shifts to anyone and everyone who is ‘lucky enough’ to read the comment section. It…

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Stop Talking and Start Walking

In the age of keyboard warriors, words have become increasingly important. We have firmly become a society that talks a good talk. We spend hours on social media in chat rooms and comment sections blasting the opinions and actions of others. We sit comfortably behind our screens and rise in the realm of self-importance. The…

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Orthodox State of Mind

Blessed written on wooden blocks

We begin our new season in the Church by reading from the Gospel of Matthew and Saints Paul’s letter to the Romans. Now that we have celebrated Pentecost, the Church turns our attention immediately to our state of mind. At that time, Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel…

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Storms of Faith

A Thunderstorm hitting the water of oceans

It doesn’t matter where you live. Storms are a regular part of everyone’s life. It might be blizzards in the north, hurricanes in the south, even sandstorms in the desert. All human life is plagued with storms that cannot be avoided. When it comes to faith, storms are as real as a hurricane in Florida.…

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