Episode 408 – God is all we Need

When we are surrounded and tormented by demons in our life, God has the power to the send them away. In the world there are many tempting alternatives to in which we place our trust in these times, such as the “Evil Eye”. Real power is Christ, no blue glass eye. Don’t waste your energy on anything else.

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My brothers and sisters, in this morning’s Gospel, we heard about a miracle of Christ, but it’s not like the other miracles that He did. It had nothing to do with health and physical healing. It had nothing to do with money. It had nothing to do with earthly comforts. The miracle in this morning’s Gospel is that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ sent the demons away from this man. That is the important part of the story: that when this man came to Christ, we know from the story that he was so consumed. He was so overwhelmed by the demons that he was living in the wilderness, tortured by the demons, and yet the demons knew that they were in the presence of God, and they began to panic. And Christ says, “Get out.”

Now, it’s important for us to remember this, my brothers and sisters, because too many of us put our trust in a stupid little blue eye. The mati, my brothers and sisters, is absolutely worthless. If you have it in your homes, throw it away. Smash it into pieces, because this morning’s Gospel tells us what real power is, against the demons, and the real power is Christ. They couldn’t even go into the pigs without God’s permission, and we think some stupid little blue thing is going to protect us. I see it. I see it on your Facebook pages. I see it around your necks. I see it on your cell phone covers. Throw it away. Get rid of it from your lives.

You don’t need anything other than Christ, because we saw what happens to people when they are consumed with evil things. The crowd wanted to chase Jesus away. They would have preferred to keep the demons if it meant keeping their pigs.

You don’t have to go. You don’t have to go. The baby can stay. You know that’s our policy here, right? See, the baby’s quiet already.

There is power in God, my brothers and sisters. Don’t waste your energy in anything else. Come to Christ daily, if it takes it, and ask Him for mercy and ask Him for His grace, and God will chase the demons away from our life. He has the power; we do not.

Now, that doesn’t mean we’re going to have an easy life. This man did not have an easy life; the crowd lost their pigs. But it means that we will have God on our side, and when we have God on our side, nothing that happens to us can destroy us, because we have God. That’s the miracle of this morning’s Gospel, the power of God over the demons.

So if you’re struggling, if you have pain, if you have some unknown struggle and power, come to Christ and ask Him to chase away the demons, and He will. And then we can start fresh, and then we can be a witness to God’s power, not some stupid little blue glass, because when God is on our side, we don’t need anything else. Glory to God for all things.

Episode 408 – God is all we Need

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