Double Leave-Taking
Today is the last day of the year and the last day of Christmas. Yes, there are still five days left of the ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ but today is the Leave-Taking of Christmas. Liturgically that means today is the last day to sing Christmas hymns. Today is also the Leave-Taking of 2022. This is also our last blog post for 2022.
Traditionally the Leave-Taking is celebrated as if it was the feast all over again. This is most commonly experienced on the Leave-Taking of Pascha when we celebrate the midnight liturgy again. Practically speaking it is a day when ‘everything’ is put back in its place. Icons are returned to the wall or storage, etc. The Church celebrates and then it moves on to the next feast or fast.
As we leave Christmas and 2022 behind tonight, please allow me to look back at our ministry in the past year. In the past year Be Transfigured Ministries has grown more than in any other year. Technical difficulties with our old website necessitated a brand-new website. The new website has allowed us to better minister to you. I am thankful for the many donors who helped make the new website possible.
We have experienced the highest interaction with YOU, our fans, of any other year. Our blog is being read more and shared more than ever before. Our video and audio podcast traffic are the highest ever. I am thankful to the many fans who make Be Transfigured Ministries a regular part of your internet experience.
Today, Churches will begin preparing for the Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord and the Feast of Saint Basil. Icons will be brought out of storage for veneration. Chanters and choirs will switch out music. By Vespers a New Feast will arrive and the Church must be ready!
Here at Be Transfigured Ministries we are ready for the New Year of blog posts and videos, podcast and livestream bible study. I pray you will ‘stick around’ for another year and help us grow our ministry to help others Live A New Life In Christ.
We have set a goal for fundraising that you will hear more about in the weeks ahead. Our first priority will be to eliminate the need for ads on our blog and videos. We know it can be difficult to filter or click through pages with ads. You can help us by becoming a Monthly Sponsor at any level you wish. With $100 per month in combined monthly sponsorships, we will be able to eliminate ALL ads. Please consider becoming a Monthly Sponsor of Be Transfigured Ministries and help usher in a New Year without ads!