Total Repentance

A cross sign in the middle of a sunset

Repent! We hear the carillon call all the time. We accept the idea of repentance on the surface. Beyond giving it lip service, we rarely give repentance much consideration. Let’s face it. We all would rather just keep going like we are going. Unfortunately, without repentance we will be destroyed. At that time, there were…

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Humans are not Animals

Hidden mysteries of the Da Vinci

We all grew up learning in biology that the world’s living things consisted of plants and animals. We humans were among the animals. We were different from the other animals, but we were also the same. It may be true that humans are part of the animal kingdom, and that we share some of the…

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Honor in Relationships

All hands united together

Yesterday I wrote about marriage and the equality that exists in a holy marriage. Continuing on the theme of family, today I wanted to talk about children along with their parents. The issues are not entirely separate. Children must honor their parents. Is it really such a one-way relationship? Brethren, let each one of you…

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Evangelism is a Mixed Bag

Candles lighting

In the context of a funeral, we Orthodox find ourselves as strangers among friends. We preach resurrection and judgment. Our friends teach that we become angels in heaven filled with platitudes and niceties. This isn’t done out of malice. Our friends want to sooth the pain of loss at funerals. The problem for us is…

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Division Cannot Stand

All hands united together

It is easy to get wrapped up into the political frenzy ‘of the day’ no matter what side of the aisle you stand. Today’s frenzy is tomorrow’s silliness. When it comes to politics, you will always find yourself changing sides. You change not because you changed, but because your side changed. That is the nature…

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The Power of Hospitality

Family is ready to have feast

Greeks are known for their hospitality. I don’t mean that every Greek works in the ‘hospitality industry’ although many immigrants do own restaurants. I mean that Greeks are known for showing hospitality even to strangers. The news was filled recently with stories of Greeks rescuing refugees in boats and rafts to feed cloth and shelter…

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If you Only Knew

The Bible and other books with praying beads on a table

We go about our daily lives in total denial of what is happening inside our bodies. We eat foods that are eating us. We drink fluids that have very little if any benefit. The entire time our bodies are slowly decaying without our knowledge. Unfortunately, our bodies are not the only thing decaying within us.…

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Spiritual Obedience

A cross sign in the middle of a sunset

If we’re being honest, the idea of obedience to another human being is contingent upon our agreement with said human being. Every day we willingly place ourselves under obedience to those around us. It is what makes society civil. In the Church, it is what makes us worthy of the kingdom. BRETHREN, when you come…

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Don’t Waste Time

Yesterday’s blog was about the importance of humility. Only when we consider the needs of other and stop comparing ourselves as better than others can we be real Christians. Today I wanted to continue to concept of caring about others above ourselves. Today I want to talk about building up the Church for the glory…

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The Key is Humility

We live in a society that is constantly comparing itself to others and we are not immune. We sit at work and compare our coworkers. We compare our neighbors. We even compare our brothers in sisters in the pews on Sunday. Some say our society is the best on the planet. Some say we are…

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