Spiritual Warfare

Together we are stronger sign

I’m sure you’ve heard about spiritual warfare. The devil has been at war with the Church since the beginning. Throughout the centuries just when everything seems to be going well for the Church, something disrupts our progress. Peace doesn’t seem to last long in the Church. IN THOSE DAYS, Paul went on with Barnabas to…

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Caution VS Fear

Growing up on the playground our courage is often tested by our friends. Jump over this. Throw that. Stand there. These are all challenges to our courage. They also establish our ‘pecking order’ among friends. We naturally strive for the top tier, so we regularly risk danger in the name of courage. In those days,…

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Inspired by God

People often talk about ‘God’s plan’ for their lives. We sometimes think God ‘placed’ someone in our life as ‘a sign’ from God. With this in mind, many believe that if we submit our life to God He will make everything better. He does make everything better, but rarely in the way we think. About…

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How Dare You Reach Out

There is an expectation of Christians in general, but especially clergy, that we associate only with believers. If we are seen talking, let alone eating, with nonbelievers our faith is called into question. How could we let ourselves be dragged so low, and hang out with ‘those’ people? In those days, while Peter was still…

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Naming Rights

Drive through any town and you wonder who ‘all those people’ were. Every street has a name. Every town building has a name. Parks have names. Airports and even schools have names. Lately our society has argued intensely about these names, even removing some. What is it about a name? In those days, Peter opened…

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What Would You Say?

In every aspect of our lives, we interact with others. It may be family or coworkers, or just a few friends we know from down the street. Our interactions with these differ only in the subjects we discuss. How often do your conversations turn to Christ? In those days, Peter went down to the men…

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Nobody is Beyond Hope

We all sin, some more than others, but we all fall short of the glory of God. There are those who seem to be committed to sin. They wake up scheming how to sin. Some even work diligently to make others suffer. Jesus Christ didn’t just come for us, He came for ‘those people’ also.…

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The Fight from Within

Location of St Stephen's Martyrdom

We know from the Scriptures and Christian history that many fight the Church from outside the Church. The Pagan persecution, the Islamic influence, and even secularism have all been fighting the Church. We know how to defeat them, but how do we defeat those who from the Church from within? In those days, Stephen, full…

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Converting Our Will

At the beginning of His public ministry Jesus challenged us to deny our will to follow Him The entire Christian journey rests in giving our will over to God’s will. We simply cannot follow Christ into heaven so long as we focus on our will over His. Being obedient to God saves us. Being obedient…

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Unrecognized Miracles

Miracle just ahead, printed on a board

Reading the Scriptures daily reveals the truth of God. The only problem is that sometimes we can get a skewed version of the truth. This is especially the case when it comes to miracles. We read about miracle healings ‘just about’ every day throughout the year. It is almost as if everyone received a miracle,…

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