Posts Tagged ‘charity’
A Day of Love
In the American cultural experience today is Valentine’s Day. Thought to be a celebration of a saint, if we’re honest, is just another secular holiday excuse to boost the economy of florists and candy manufacturers. It isn’t really about love. Brethren, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment which you had…
Read MoreSupplement Your Faith
Is it enough ‘just’ to believe? Why does the Church always ask me to ‘do more’? Why can’t it be enough that I believe in Jesus and was baptized? All the focus on attending church services, fasting, saying my prayers, reading the bible, and the sacraments. When is enough, enough? SIMON PETER, a servant and…
Read MoreLove Bears all Things
Today is the last day of January. It is a good day to evaluate our New Year Resolutions. Looking around your town you will probably notice much of life has reverted back to where it was in December. Fitness center parking lots aren’t full anymore, but neither are Church lots. Evaluating our spiritual progress is…
Read MoreThe Importance of BEING Orthodox
Whether you agree with recent statistics or not, you cannot deny the plentitude of groups calling themselves Christians. One recent statistic counts Christian denominations at more than 43,000 separate governing bodies of ‘churches’, all claiming to the be the ‘true’ Church of Christ. Brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling…
Read MoreThe Yoke of Christ
We all know how difficult it can be to follow Christ. Throughout Christian history many have tried and failed, only to return to their sinful past. Many more have succeeded despite the struggle of choosing Christ over the worldly agenda. How can Christ even claim His ‘yoke’ is easy? The Lord said to his disciples,…
Read MoreEpisode 437 – What Shall I do with All My Things?
When we are blessed to have more than we need, it is a challenge for our soul. In the Parable of the Barns, the rich man died without ever using the ‘good things’ that God had given to him. What are we doing with all the good things that God has given to us? We…
Read MoreBe a Person of Mercy
You’ve heard it before. What you give is what you get. Nothing is more true when it comes to the effort you ‘give’ to your spiritual life. The more you give to God, the more God gives to you, and I’m not talking about money today. Brethren, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,…
Read MoreGiving for the Future
I have never met a single person who refused to give. We all give for different reasons. Some give to witness the blessings of others. Some give to get back. What I don’t often witness is someone who gives knowing they will never see the result of their gift. They give for the future. At…
Read MoreWhy Do Christians Suffer?
Have you ever asked yourself why Christians must suffer? Why does God expect us to lose everything ‘just’ for Him? If God loved us as He claims, why not allow us to be honored and comforted now? What if I told you Christians don’t suffer? Would you want to be Christian? Brethren, rejoice in the…
Read MoreTrue Faith Doesn’t Demand Favorites
As a Priest of a large community, I have the difficult task of choosing between one ministry and another. I am forced to limit time spent with people simply because I am needed in another place. I don’t like to cut time short, but nobody can be in two places at once. I say this…
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