Christians in a Foreign Land

We have been spoiled as Christians for many centuries. Secular society has ‘more or less’ lifted our Christian morals. Through decades of public schools our Christian morals have been reinforced. That has all changed in the past few decades. Schools no longer reinforce Christian standards, and society no longer pays attention to our standards. It…

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God’s Work

As Christians, we are called to be coworkers with God. Practically speaking that means that the work we do is supposed to be part of the work God does. You cannot be a coworker and work on a different project. Then you are just colleagues. Coworkers have a shared vision. Brethren, we are God’s fellow…

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Pro Life Church

The Orthodox Church was pro life before there was such a term. Long before Roe v Wade, and long before so-called reproductive rights, the Church honored the conception of children as a blessing from God. There are references to conception in the Scriptures and even the daily calendar honors conception as a thing to be celebrated, not destroyed.

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Save our Children

children putting hands on each other shoulder

The other day I went to see the movie Sound of Freedom and was profoundly disturbed. Knowing what happens to children in the wickedness of the slave trade was not the same as watching it. We are supposed to protect children. We are supposed to honor children. We are not supposed to harm them. At…

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Run to God

It never ceases to amaze me how many people outright ignore God until they need Him. We go through life ‘minding our own business’ until suddenly something takes place that we cannot control. It can be a natural event like a hurricane. It can also be the actions of other people. Either way, because we…

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Minimizing Sin

It can ‘be cute’ when a little child looks straight at his mother who is holding a broken lamp, “Nope! It wasn’t me.” Forgetting there is nobody else in the house, and that his mother watched the whole episode on the baby-cam, the little child insists he did nothing wrong. It may be cute to…

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Time to Build Schools

In the ancient Church, it was common for the Church to enter a city, the people would convert to Christ, and the old temple would be dedicated to the service of Christ. Sometimes the old pagan temples would be totally destroyed. Other times, only the pagan elements would be removed and replaced with Christ. One…

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What Does it Mean to Bear One Another’s Burdens?

I remember one time at a parenting workshop, we learned to suffer with our children. This meant that rather than solve every struggle our children experience, we need to co-suffer with them. Help them understand that sometimes things are difficult. Sometimes the best we can do as parents is experience the suffering with our children.…

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Become a Modern Confessor

The Church speaks often about the importance of Holy Confession. You read it here as much as any topic we discuss. Did you know that a ‘Confessor’ has nothing to do with the sacraments of Holy Confession? It is a ‘title’ given to certain saints of the Church, and you may not know what it…

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What do you know?

children putting hands on each other shoulder

I’ve been a ‘news junkie’ for most of my adult life. I watch the news on tv. I used to read newspapers, but I read the news online. I try to listen to ‘newstalk’ on the radio rather than music. I used to think it made me knowledgeable about the world. The only thing to…

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