Passion Bearers

Two signboards of different colors

Throughout the world Christians are caught ‘in the crossfire’ of war. These Christian find themselves ‘on the wrong side’ of very powerful nations and movements. In many cases these same Christians are killed ‘just because’ they are Christians. They are called Passion Bearers. Today is the commemoration of Saints Boris and Gleb the Passion Bearers.…

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How Much do You Love

As Americans we are independent thinkers and actors. We choose our own destiny. We make our own rules. We ignore what others think about our choices and beliefs. What if I told you this was not a Christian manner of thinking? What if I told you being independent was wrong? If we believe that our…

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Being Christ Centered

In a society that encourages education beyond the basics, it can be difficult to see past learning for the sake of our soul. We walk around with ‘a bunch of letters after our name’ to show just how brilliant we were in school. All the while, we forget that life isn’t about us. It is…

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No Shame in Believing

In our society it can be more than a little intimidating to admit we believe in Christ. Maybe not among our close friends, but in public we may even be ashamed to admit our faith in God. Afterall, our society teaches us to keep our faith to ourselves. Maybe we should obey. No! I don’t…

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Spiritual Maturity

There is an old joke that says, “Everything I needed to know, I learned in kindergarten.” It is a joke because even teenagers know they didn’t know enough after kindergarten to ‘get along’ in the world. How much is enough? High school? College? It isn’t about learning. It is about maturity. If all we needed…

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Works Seal Your Faith

So many non-Orthodox accuse the Church of depending upon works to get into heaven. Our life of fasting and worship ‘regulations’ are interpreted as works. Interestingly, feeding the poor is never accused against the Church. The truth is, neither feeding the poor nor fasting with a thousand prostrations are used by the Church as ‘works’…

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Faith is not the Opposite of Reason

Have you ever been challenged by someone about what you believe? Have you ever heard the words, “Oh yeah? Prove it!” when it comes to your Christian beliefs? Have you ever been at a loss for words in the face of these and similar charges? Have you wondered if faith is real? Paul, a servant…

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Turn the World Upside Down

Living in the 21st Century has its privileges. It also has its challenges. We have ‘all the best’ technology in the history of mankind. Some would argue we also have the worst moral compass in centuries. Both may be true, or at least arguably true. I think it is time for a change. Brethren, God…

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The past decade or so has seen a drastic shift in social behavior toward Christians. Lawsuits continue to be filed against those who refuse to offer services, claiming the service is against their faith. There is a growing public outcry from Christians that this treatment is unfair. The Lord said to his disciples, “Behold, I…

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