It’s About Becoming Perfect

In the Gospel of Mark we hear of a father who brought his son to Jesus for healing because the Apostles were unable to heal him. He called to Jesus, “’If You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible…

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Does Your Faith Drive You?

When four men were bringing their paralyzed friend to meet Jesus, they encountered a serious obstacle. Arriving at the house Jesus was teaching in, they could not enter since the crowds had already filled the house. They couldn’t even get near Jesus with their sick friend. They might have given up if not for their…

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You Will Never Fall

These are words we all wish to believe. There must be a way to guarantee we never fall to temptation and sin. All my life I’ve heard that I shouldn’t expect to be perfect because only God is perfect. So, how can Saint Peter promise we will never fall? SIMON PETER, a servant and apostle…

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Created for Good Works

One of my least favorite sayings is, “God has a plan for you.” It makes it sound as if we have no free will in the relationship. It makes it sound like we have ‘only one thing’ to accomplish in this life. It is true that God has a plan for us, but the plan…

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The Reward of Righteousness

We’ve all heard it before. Good guys finish last. Watching just a few minutes of the nightly news and you might agree. Let’s face it. Our society rewards choices and priorities that we as Christians don’t follow. We choose to be righteous in the eyes of God but is that good enough. Since yesterday was…

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Remember Your Conversion

Candles lighting

Whether we were ‘born into’ the Church of became Orthodox later in life, each of us has a conversion story. We can remember that day, or season, when we realized our faith in Christ was something that we were serious about. We also can remember days or seasons when that faith waned a bit, and…

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God’s Work

As Christians, we are called to be coworkers with God. Practically speaking that means that the work we do is supposed to be part of the work God does. You cannot be a coworker and work on a different project. Then you are just colleagues. Coworkers have a shared vision. Brethren, we are God’s fellow…

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Hope Never Fades

Whether you have lived for one year or one hundred years, you know what it means to hope for something. When our hope is based on a promise, we remain laser focused. When the One Who makes the promise is God, our hope never fades. As Christians we have the benefit of reading the story…

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Being Faithful

When we think about being faithful to someone, we imagine loyalty and sacrifice. If we are faithful to our friends, we fight for them. So long as our friends do not abandon us and our priorities continue to be aligned with their priorities, we remain faithful and willing to fight. If just one thing changes,…

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Family Bonds

Being Christian in contemporary America can be difficult enough without your family being against you. The last thing we think is possible is families not being supportive of our faith in Christ. It would be bad enough if our family didn’t believe. It is that much harder when they actively work against our journey to…

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