Saved by Grace

Do you believe? Do you have to ‘do works’ to be saved? Why do we have to go to Church? Why do we have to fast? Why are there so many rules in the Orthodox Church? Aren’t we supposed to be saved by grace? What’s the deal? IN THOSE DAYS, some believers who belonged to…

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There Will Always be Enough

Having faith in God requires not only belief but courage. Will we have enough food to eat? Will our money run out before the end of the month? When it comes to our lives, without courage we turn to worldly logic such as debt and crooked deals, just so we can eat. It doesn’t have…

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Caution VS Fear

Growing up on the playground our courage is often tested by our friends. Jump over this. Throw that. Stand there. These are all challenges to our courage. They also establish our ‘pecking order’ among friends. We naturally strive for the top tier, so we regularly risk danger in the name of courage. In those days,…

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How Dare You Reach Out

There is an expectation of Christians in general, but especially clergy, that we associate only with believers. If we are seen talking, let alone eating, with nonbelievers our faith is called into question. How could we let ourselves be dragged so low, and hang out with ‘those’ people? In those days, while Peter was still…

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What Would You Say?

In every aspect of our lives, we interact with others. It may be family or coworkers, or just a few friends we know from down the street. Our interactions with these differ only in the subjects we discuss. How often do your conversations turn to Christ? In those days, Peter went down to the men…

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Belief is not Reason

We talk a great deal about the truth of God. We read a book or watch a video and we think that belief in God is determined by what we know. We think that we can learn our way to heaven. We even think we can convince someone else to believe using a blog post…

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Prove Your Faith

There is an old saying, “Do as I say, not as I do.” This saying has been said of just about every professional, including clergy. It is because so many of us do not live the faith we proclaim. It is the reason so many mock the Christian Church as organized hypocrisy. Are you any…

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Episode 425 – Compassion from God

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

One of the daily prayers of the Church begs for God’s compassion. We can only beg for His compassion when we have faith in the power and love of God. God has shown us everything we need to understand His power to save us and to have compassion on us. Now that we have experienced…

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It’s About Becoming Perfect

In the Gospel of Mark we hear of a father who brought his son to Jesus for healing because the Apostles were unable to heal him. He called to Jesus, “’If You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible…

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Does Your Faith Drive You?

When four men were bringing their paralyzed friend to meet Jesus, they encountered a serious obstacle. Arriving at the house Jesus was teaching in, they could not enter since the crowds had already filled the house. They couldn’t even get near Jesus with their sick friend. They might have given up if not for their…

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