Posts Tagged ‘family’
Pro Life Church
The Orthodox Church was pro life before there was such a term. Long before Roe v Wade, and long before so-called reproductive rights, the Church honored the conception of children as a blessing from God. There are references to conception in the Scriptures and even the daily calendar honors conception as a thing to be celebrated, not destroyed.
Read MoreThe Church is Our Family
When I visit the parish where I grew up, we greet each other with kisses and stories about the past. We introduce each other to new faces. We begin new relationships that last over time. What binds us together is the past we spend together, knowing there will also be a future together. Each trip…
Read More2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 38
I hear it all the time. “I can’t come to Church. My family is visiting.” “I can’t…..because my family….” On the surface this appears to be a sound excuse to miss Church or another Christian obligation. Yet, I always wonder when I hear this excuse. Should the family love this person enough to come to…
Read MoreHoly Families
Take just one look around your local Church and you will see what most people see. You will see a room full of families. They may not all look the same, but the families of the Church are what keep the faith alive. Children don’t take themselves to Church. Parents don’t learn how to nurture…
Read MoreSometimes Families Betray Each Other
Nobody enjoys admitting it, but we all know at least one family that suffers from a broken relationship. We don’t often hear about these families on the nightly news. When we do, the story is so egregious, the sensationalist media can’t resist distributing the story. Every now and then we hear about a parent that…
Read MoreEpisode 383 – Not Perfect but Committed to God
On the Sunday before Christmas every year the Church hears a long list of names of the generations of Christ. From Abraham until Joseph the Church reminds us of the righteous ancestors of Christ described in the Old Testament. When you combine them with the saints of the New Testament we get a complete picture…
Read MoreHousehold of Faith
It can be difficult to understand our faith is not an individual faith but a family faith. Living in America can make leaving individualism behind a bit difficult. We are trained from a young age to stand on our own, believe on our own, act on our own. This is obvious even in Protestant baptism,…
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