Look in the Mirror

Just take a glance around the room when you are in a public place. Ask yourself what struggles each person you see might be experiencing right now. Fight the temptation to see their smiles and laughter as joy. For all you know, they are suffering on the inside. The truth is. You don’t know. The…

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Sacrifice as Response

When we hear the word sacrifice, most think of involuntary death. Thanks to Hollywood we have no understanding of what it means to make a sacrifice to God. Let me just remind you. Sacrifice has nothing to do with convincing God to ‘do’ something. Brethren, if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God…

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Beware of Judgment

As Christians we know we are not supposed to judge others. We quote to each other all the time. “Judge not, lest you be judged,” (Matthew 7.1) but judgment does much deeper. When we judge others, not only will we be judged, we are already judging ourselves. Brethren, since the ungodly did not see fit…

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Hidden Hate

It is all too common in our society. We treat people one way when they are watching, and we treat them another way when they are not watching. It goes well beyond gossip. When we are face to face, we are kind. When our backs are turned, we are filled with hidden hate. About the…

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Prove Your Faith

There is an old saying, “Do as I say, not as I do.” This saying has been said of just about every professional, including clergy. It is because so many of us do not live the faith we proclaim. It is the reason so many mock the Christian Church as organized hypocrisy. Are you any…

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Evil is not the End

Since evil entered humanity in the Garden, it has been at war with God. We remember from the first week of Great Lent that God promised evil would not prevail. He promised that it would eventually be destroyed. Our Great Lenten Journey is about the war. It is about victory over evil. When Joseph came…

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Get Your House in Order

We understand the need when we grow old to put our things in order. Who will get our possessions? Who will take care of our requests. The older we get, the more we think of death and having our life in order. Now is the time to get our house in order. “Therefore thus says…

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Does Your Faith Drive You?

When four men were bringing their paralyzed friend to meet Jesus, they encountered a serious obstacle. Arriving at the house Jesus was teaching in, they could not enter since the crowds had already filled the house. They couldn’t even get near Jesus with their sick friend. They might have given up if not for their…

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The Awesome God

As human beings we are constantly surrounded by examples of power and authority. Just turn on the TV for any brief moment and you will find countless examples of earthly power. Politicians and celebrities are all vying for your attention. The one thing missing in every example of earthly authority is lasting power. Every example…

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Avoiding Mortal Sin

If you have been reading our daily blog for any length of time, you know we speak a great deal about sin. We speak about avoiding sin. We speak about confessing sin. We speak about forgiving the sins of others and being forgiven by God for our sins. We rarely speak about the ‘type’ of…

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