Posts Tagged ‘Gospel of Mark’
Are You Watching for Christ?
Look both ways when you cross the street. Watch the sky for bad weather. If you live in the mountains, watch for falling rocks. We spend our time always watching out for something that can hurt us. Do we ever watch our surroundings for Christ? The Lord said to his disciples, “Heaven and earth will…
Read MoreNobody is Safe from Temptation
As Christians we are told that God will protect us from evil. We grow up knowing that God is watching over us. So then, why do so many leave the Church and walk in sin? Temptation is the great equalizer. The stronger our faith, the stronger the temptation. The Lord said to his disciples, “When…
Read MoreSupplement Your Faith
Is it enough ‘just’ to believe? Why does the Church always ask me to ‘do more’? Why can’t it be enough that I believe in Jesus and was baptized? All the focus on attending church services, fasting, saying my prayers, reading the bible, and the sacraments. When is enough, enough? SIMON PETER, a servant and…
Read MoreLove Bears all Things
Today is the last day of January. It is a good day to evaluate our New Year Resolutions. Looking around your town you will probably notice much of life has reverted back to where it was in December. Fitness center parking lots aren’t full anymore, but neither are Church lots. Evaluating our spiritual progress is…
Read MoreNo Such Thing as Self Authority
Throughout the ancient world, and still in some places today, some leaders declare themselves the authority. They go by all sorts of names. Kings and emperors are the ‘nice’ names. They are also knows as dictators. There is no such thing as ‘self-authority’ in the Church. At that time, as Jesus was teaching the people…
Read MoreTemptations Never End
We wake every day to the same reality. The sun shines. The winds blow. Temptation attacks. Like a natural force of weather, temptation blows, and we get ‘pushed around’ like branches in a tree. The key isn’t to avoid the wind, but to prepare the branches. In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee…
Read MoreToo Much Salt
Salt preserves. Salt adds flavor. Salt even brings out the best natural flavors of foods. When you add too much salt, food can be ruined and lose all its flavor. You can’t cook without salt, but you can’t cook with too much salt either. Salt requires balance. The Lord said, “Whoever causes one of these…
Read MoreWhat is Love?
There is a saying that you can’t define love. The reason for this isn’t that we can’t love, but that we don’t love the way we are supposed to love. There is another saying. “God is love,” so if we want to know what love is, then we must know God. At that time, the…
Read MoreWhy Do Christians Suffer?
Have you ever asked yourself why Christians must suffer? Why does God expect us to lose everything ‘just’ for Him? If God loved us as He claims, why not allow us to be honored and comforted now? What if I told you Christians don’t suffer? Would you want to be Christian? Brethren, rejoice in the…
Read MoreWhen People of Faith Doubt
When it comes to faith some believe that doubt is a sin. Some believe that it is not possible for someone who knows God and believes Him can doubt His power. Everyone doubts, if even a little, but that doesn’t mean doubt is a sin. Even people of faith doubt. At that time, in the…
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