Posts Tagged ‘Judgement’
How Much do You Love
As Americans we are independent thinkers and actors. We choose our own destiny. We make our own rules. We ignore what others think about our choices and beliefs. What if I told you this was not a Christian manner of thinking? What if I told you being independent was wrong? If we believe that our…
Read MoreEveryone’s Savior
Are you saved? Orthodox Christians have been struggling over this question for years. We struggle not because we fear judgment. We struggle because confuse judgment with salvation. We are all saved and yet we are all judged. Before you get upset that I am teaching ‘universal salvation’ take a moment and read what Saint Paul…
Read MoreLook in the Mirror
Just take a glance around the room when you are in a public place. Ask yourself what struggles each person you see might be experiencing right now. Fight the temptation to see their smiles and laughter as joy. For all you know, they are suffering on the inside. The truth is. You don’t know. The…
Read MoreBeware of Judgment
As Christians we know we are not supposed to judge others. We quote to each other all the time. “Judge not, lest you be judged,” (Matthew 7.1) but judgment does much deeper. When we judge others, not only will we be judged, we are already judging ourselves. Brethren, since the ungodly did not see fit…
Read MoreLook within instead around
We are still recovering from the exhaustion and joy of Pascha. Between the lack of sleep during Holy Week and the weeks of fasting, our bodies need to recover. That much we all share during Pascha. We also share the bad habit of looking at how others prepared and celebrate. We may even have judged…
Read MoreJudgment is Inevitable
We hope to avoid it. We pray to escape it. The last thing we look forward to is Judgment Day. Alas, everything we know about God, from the Old Testament, New Testament and Church Fathers, tells us that Judgment is something we cannot avoid. Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To…
Read MoreEpisode 420 – Love is not a Contract
People do good things for three reasons. Some do good to avoid punishment. Others do good to earn rewards. The best reason to do good is because we love God. Doing good to get a response from God is contractual. Love is not a contract. When we are judged by God on Judgment Day, He…
Read MoreEpisode 410 – Seeing God with our Hearts
You don’t have to be blind to be blind. Instead of looking at the sins of others, we need to start looking in the mirror. Unfortunately, we are blind to our sins, but insist on watching others. In the Gospel of Luke 18.35-43, we see a blind man who could see God. The crowd that…
Read MoreLightning Strikes
Growing up in Colorado, it was a normal summer experience to watch storms in the distance. They were brilliant displays of light I could watch for hours. Then suddenly, the storm was above our heads, and we ran for shelter. In the Great Plains, storms tend to shift without notice. You never know when you…
Read MoreEpisode 409 – The Time is Now
When we die, we will find ourselves in one of two situations. We will be in the presence of God in either situation. We will either experience His presence as comfort or torment. We will experience God’s presence either has heaven or hell. The choice will be ours, but the choice must be made now,…
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