Posts Tagged ‘Judgement’
God Chooses Who He Saves
I must admit it can be difficult accepting the truth that God can save whomever He wishes. He created us and He can save us if He desires. So long as that includes you and me, we are happy. When it includes ‘that guy over there’ we are not so understanding. Doesn’t God know how…
Read MoreCheating Death
With the war in Israel on everyone’s minds these past few days, many are wondering why God allows such violence. If God is all powerful, He could (and should) stop such horrific events from taking place. Since God doesn’t stop all violence, then we must accept there is a different perspective through which we should…
Read MoreJudge Yourself
I hear it all the time. Don’t judge! Under most circumstances I hear this as a defense of someone’s behavior. We cling to God’s warning against judgment not for salvation sake, but for our self-interest. We think if we are not judged by those around us, then our behavior is given the ‘green light’ to…
Read MoreIgnorance or Indifference
When we are toddlers, our parents are charged with teaching us right from wrong. The degree of right and wrong changes as we grow in maturity. What is cute for a toddler is eventually wrong for a teenager, etc. When we are little, our poor behavior can be ignored simply because we don’t know better.…
Read MoreDarkness Breeds Evil
When I was growing up, I used to hear the expression, “Nothing good ever happens after midnight.” As a teenager I didn’t agree. I would imagine the freedom of hanging out late at night without anyone watching. I imagined we could do anything we wanted without fear of being caught. What I didn’t understand was…
Read MoreEpisode 387 – Seeing God in the Least
When we are judged by God, He will judge us not just by what we do, but how we see. Do we see God in the faces of others? Do we see God in the least of society? That is the challenge of Matthew 25.31-46. It isn’t just about serving others. It is about seeing…
Read MoreWe’ve Been Warned
The funny thing about prophecy is that the people who hear in live time rarely understand it. It is only AFTER something takes place, looking back at the prophecy, that we understand what God was trying to tell us. There are also times when prophecy is repeated for another generation. Sometimes, we read old prophecies…
Read MoreEpisode 376 – We Have to Come Down off our High Horse
God came down from heaven to lift us up to heaven. If we believe in Him, we will be raised up to heaven by Christ. We have to learn to stop looking down on everyone as if we are the ones who are perfect. When we do not believe in Christ, we are already condemned.…
Read MoreWho Knows Your Heart?
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Judge not, lest you be judged.” It isn’t just a catchy phrase; it is a warning from God. You can find this actual verse in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 7, Verse 1, but that is just the beginning of what I want to say today. I want to focus…
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