Posts Tagged ‘relationships’
We Need More Soft Hearts
Comfortably in my 50’s I realize it has become too easy for my heart to grow cold and hard. The more I am cheated and taken advantage of, the more difficult it is to remain open. I’m not alone. I hear many confessions of people who suffer the same reality. Just how much can one…
Read MoreNo Harm in Forgiveness
It is no secret that every relationship has struggle. We hurt each other, normally unintentionally. We say hurtful words. We sometimes get into patterns of anger that hinder us from reconciliation. We think, wrongly, that if we forgive each other, we will be the loser in the argument. Brethren, my joy is the joy of…
Read MoreGuilt by Association
When I was young, I was spending time with a friend when we found ourselves in a bit of trouble. We were walking past a swimming pool where a group of people had jumped the fence for a night swim. We knew the group of people, so we were chatting with them when we were…
Read MoreOvertaken in Sin
In our constant battle against temptation, every morning we awake is another battle. Last night we prayed for forgiveness. This morning we prayed for another chance to ‘get it right’ in our fight against sin. Some days we make it longer than others without sin. Every day we fall in some way further from Christ…
Read MoreBe Known for Something Good
Today is the Fourth of July, Independence Day in America. It is the day we remember the founders and principles of our nation. These great men are remembered for their courage and faithfulness to freedom. They weren’t perfect, but they stood for the ideal of perfect freedom. Brethren, to this end Christ died and lived…
Read MoreRestoration with the Church
Just look around and you will find those who stepped away from the Church. They are family members, friends and even some koumbari (godparents) who decided to leave the Church. Ask them why, and you will hear all sorts of reasons. We may not agree with why someone walks away from the Church, but we…
Read MoreTrust and Betrayal
There are so many examples of human betrayal it can be difficult to trust anyone. Some parents abandon their families. Some adults abuse the people in their care. Even the ‘system’ can betray us when corrupt leaders take control. It is no surprise then that so many Christians do not trust the Church. I get…
Read MoreIgnorance or Indifference
When we are toddlers, our parents are charged with teaching us right from wrong. The degree of right and wrong changes as we grow in maturity. What is cute for a toddler is eventually wrong for a teenager, etc. When we are little, our poor behavior can be ignored simply because we don’t know better.…
Read MoreLiteralism Leads to being Blind and Maimed
Nuance makes life interesting. In every conversation and interaction, it is nuance that leads also to a fuller understanding. Nuance isn’t easy to comprehend without interpretation. When it comes to the Holy Scriptures, nuance and context have led many astray from Christ one day only to lead them toward Christ another. We can’t blame the…
Read MoreWe are all Accused
One of the frustrating parts of human interaction, especially within the Church, is the constant state of accusation. We accuse others of not living the faith properly. In return, others accuse us of the same failures. The result is mutual indignation. Instead of insisting in our excellence, maybe we should accept our failures. In today’s…
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