Day 15 – Fill the Void

Today we begin our third week of our Great Lenten Journey desperately in need of focus for our souls. The world is overwhelming our hearts with fear and panic about a virus we ultimately no nothing about. Keep washing your hands. Stay out of crowded places and pray for those working to keep us safe. I suggest we refocus our heart and minds toward something other than this virus. I say this because if we desire, we can experience God this week.

Yesterday was the commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas who is known for reminding us that, although we cannot see God’s face, we can experience His energy. One way we can accomplish this is through prayer, intense and intentional prayer known as the Jesus Prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on me a sinner.

These are not just words. This prayer is the sound of our soul crying out for God. Now that we are fully engaged in the struggle of Great Lent, our bodies might be craving certain foods that we miss. Our hearts might even crave a certain sin that we have been fighting against. Our life is in a state of change for God’s glory, and nothing will fill that void like Christ. Now is when our body needs to be reminded that God’s energy is there for us to fill the void. Let’s face it, after two full weeks of Great Lent, we could use some energy.

Here’s an idea. Turn off the news for a few minutes and pray. Your soul will appreciate it.


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