Something is Different Today

If you take the time each day to read the readings of the day, you will notice something different. If you attend services in the Church today, you will notice something different. If you noticed the calendar said “wine and oil permitted” for today’s fasting guidelines, you will definitely noticed something different. If you just woke up, at your dry toast and went to work, then you don’t even know something is different today. So, what is it?

Today is the Feast of the 40 Martyrs of Sevasti and you can read a brief story about their martyrdom here. When the Church changes the normal routine, we should take notice. During the Great Fast there are only a few times the routine is changed, and today is one of them in honor of these saints who gave their life for Christ. You should take some time today review these saints and pray to these saints for inspiration. If the Church thinks they are important enough to change the routine, they have something to offer our Great Lenten Journey.

My friend John Sanidopoulos, author of the Mystagogy Blog has gathered an entire resource page on these saints, yet another indication that they deserve our attention. There are innumerable saints about which we know almost nothing, so when the Church offers such a great wealth of sermons and hymns and stories, we are blessed.

Saints of God intercede for us!


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