Our Common Mother

On the second Sunday of May each year we honor mothers. We honor them with luncheons, flowers, gifts and praise for their dedication and love. But what do we offer our “common” mother, the Mother of God? The Ever-Virgin Mary whom we call Mother of God, is also our mother. This honor given to her is not just symbolic, but a real relationship she maintains with us as her children.

Consider this…
The Mother of God, exercising her free will, gave God permission to enter into His creation through her when she said to the angel, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1.38)

The Mother of God, expressing her love, asked Jesus to perform His first miracle during the Wedding in Cana when she said, “They have no wine,” and then turning to the wine steward said, “Whatever He says to you, do it!” (John 2.3,5)

The Mother of God, showing her devotion, became OUR mother when from the Cross our Lord said, “Woman, behold your son.” (John 19.26)

The Mother of God, knowing her role for future generations said, “All generations will call me blessed.” (Luke 1.48)

How will you honor our Mother for Mother’s Day in exchange for all she has done for us, most especially allowing our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ to enter into His Creation through her? Don’t you think it deserves some honor?


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