Time to Do More
All this talk about life has created a great opportunity for Christians. We have been challenged to care for the very lives we protect in the womb once they are born. It seems, though I admit I am not in contact with those who believe this, we are accused of ‘only caring’ for babies until they are born. Once they are born, they are left to suffer in a cruel world. So today, let’s get real about our Christian calling.
Conveniently today is the Feast of Saints Cyrus and John, the Unmercenaries. They went around and healed AT NO CHARGE to anyone. These doctors used the gifts God had given them and helped others. That is what it means to be a Christian. Unfortunately, in being accused of not caring about children, the claim is that we should be in favor of using government funds ‘if’ we really care and are ‘really’ Christians. That is not what Saints Cyrus and John did. They used their own resources to heal others, and that is the call for Christians.
We are not called to use someone else’s resources to live our Christian life. We are called to use our own resources, and gifts for the glory of God and to help His people. That means stepping forward and helping single mother raise her child. It means helping a struggling family get food and clothing. This is the essence of the first charitable work established by Saint Basil in the Church.
It was the CHURCH, not the state, that started orphanages and hospitals. It was the CHURCH that helped those who had nobody to help them. It was the CHURCH that served others in love and with grace. There are many ancient writings from pagans that even comment on the charitable work of the early Christians. It seems the tables have turned. The Church is now accused of caring only for itself. Is it true?
If we want young men and women to live through the struggle as Christians, then the Church must do a better job assisting them. There should be more pregnancy centers. There should be more food banks. There should be more domestic violence shelters, and they should all be run by the Church, not the state. It is our job as Christians to help our suffering brothers and sisters. It is the job of the state to protect us from foreign enemies etc.
If you are inspired to do more for those suffering in your community, contact your local priest and see what can be done through the Church. It worked in the 4th Century, it can work today.
Tags: charity, Unmercenaries