Is Your Faith an Inspiration to Others?

Christmas is drawing near and ‘all attention’ is on Christians. People want to see how we behave. They don’t care so much what we say if it doesn’t match how we behave. Do we go through each day preoccupied with pleasure rather than focusing on divine discipline? We say we are Christians. When people see…

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Time Change

It has become a normal part of life twice per year for the clock to change between Daylight Savings and Standard Time. Suddenly it is dark when it was light and light when it was dark. We eventually get accustomed to the time change, but not without it first affecting our bodies. The same is…

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What Does it Mean to Bear One Another’s Burdens?

I remember one time at a parenting workshop, we learned to suffer with our children. This meant that rather than solve every struggle our children experience, we need to co-suffer with them. Help them understand that sometimes things are difficult. Sometimes the best we can do as parents is experience the suffering with our children.…

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You Can’t Get There by Yourself

A cross sign in the middle of a sunset

We live in a society that prides itself on independence. The very fabric of our great Nation is woven by the threads of self-government and self-accomplishments. Awards are given for “Person of the Year”, not “Group of the Year.” But we all know there are just sometimes we need help. There are just some things…

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Beware of False Prophets

Living in a society in which truth has become relative has surely made life difficult. It seems we can no longer dare to assert any truth as universal without universal endorsement. Expressions like ‘your truth is your truth’ are only exasperated by sayings like, ‘we’ll just agree to disagree’. If we buy into the notion…

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Feeding those in Need

A Bowl Full Of Food With Decoration On It

The Christmas season is a time our hearts are ‘tuning in’ to God. We see those in need and have compassion, or at least that’s what we hope happens. Sometimes we see beggars on the street and our hearts turn cold, thinking the beggars don’t deserve our compassion. Thankfully there are extra opportunities to help…

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We’ve Been Warned

The funny thing about prophecy is that the people who hear in live time rarely understand it. It is only AFTER something takes place, looking back at the prophecy, that we understand what God was trying to tell us. There are also times when prophecy is repeated for another generation. Sometimes, we read old prophecies…

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