2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 34
Living in America is a gift some don’t fully appreciate. For the most part, even with the recent violence and financial struggles, we live in basic safety. The ancient world was not so lucky. Societies were often overtaken by conquerors, only to change hands again by other conquerors. Throughout Christian history, the people of God often turned to the Theotokos to protect them from their enemies. We need the Theotokos more now than ever.
Today is the commemoration of the Akathyst Hymn. According to tradition the hymn was written to commemorate the protect from the Theotokos of the Imperial City during multiple attempts by various enemies to defeat the city. Annually the Church gives us the chance to ask the Theotokos to protect us too. I’m not talking about political warfare. I’m talking about spiritual warfare.
The Church is under siege from the enemy. We are individually at war with the devil and his army. We need the Theotokos to watch over us. We need her to protect us. We need her to beg her Son, our God to keep us safe.
Last night in most Orthodox Churches across the globe the Akathyst Hymn was sung. Even in places that have not been historically places of siege, the service is sung as a testimony to our need for protection. As we wrap up our fifth week of Great Lent, and look ahead to the final week of the journey, ask the Theotokos to help you stand fast against the enemy. She helped in the past. She will help again.
Tags: Church History, Great Lent, theotokos
Theotokos protects us in every way and praying to her to intercede for us very powerful and has made a great difference in my life and worship of our Lord. I pray daily to her / grateful for her in every way