Prayers Before Sleep
We’re going to change gears with our Daily Lenten Journey today. We return to ‘personal’ prayer as we prepare for bed. We finish our day the same way we began, with prayer. After we pray the Trisagion Prayer, there are a few ‘extensions’ prayers like we had in the morning.
We will spend the remainder of this week focusing on our personal evening prayers. I want to remind you to spend some time with your spiritual father to discuss what prayers are ‘best’ for you during Great Lent.
Now that the day has come to a close, I thank you, Lord, and entreat that the evening and the night be sinless. Grant this to me, Savior, and save me. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now that the day has passed, I glorify you, Master, and I entreat that the evening with the night be without offense. Grant this to me, Savior, and save me. Now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen. Now that the day has ended, I praise you, Holy One, and entreat that the evening and the night be undisturbed. Grant this to me, Savior, and save me.
Standing in front of our home altar, the day has come to an end. There are no more work projects. There are no more errands to run. All we have left is to prepare for sleep and wonder if God will give us another chance tomorrow, so we praise God.
Every day is a battle against temptation and sin for every Christian. We began the day asking God to guide our choices and keep us far from temptation. We finish the day asking Him to protect us from the demons of the night without offence, undisturbed, and sinless.
Just because we’re fasting for Great Lent doesn’t mean less temptation and less sin. In fact, it means more temptation and more chances to sin, even at night when we let our guard down. Don’t think for a moment that the devil stops ‘just’ because you are asleep.
We are vulnerable as we sleep. Our bodies rest, but our minds never stop, and the devil knows our weaknesses. Our evening prayers is our way of reminding God that we need His protection overnight too, not just during the day.
There are stories shared by Holy Elders of demonic temptations while we sleep. Dreams are very powerful emotions we all experience. Think back to a dream that ‘woke you up’ because it was so intense. You may have even been frightened into wondering if you were safe.
Remember this truth about demons. They are real, but they can’t hurt us without God’s permission. Our evening prayers are our way of reminding God to watch over us. Our evening prayers also tell the demons we don’t give them permission either.
Happy Praying.
Tags: Great Lent, prayer, sin, Temptation, Time