Nothing Worth Anything is Easy

A Man Cutting A Branch Of a Plant With A Cutter

Whether it is going to the fitness center for a good workout, or studying for the bar exam, we can all agree that hard work is part of success. We often don’t value what is easy. There is no sense of accomplishment when something comes too easy for us. So, why do we think our…

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Choosing Comfort over God

Two signboards of different colors

We live in the most advanced, wealthiest, and most would say the most comfortable nation in the world. It is often said the poorest of the poor in America and better off than in most other countries. Our nation has been blessed, there is no doubt. Living in such a comfortable society has its advantages…

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Feeding those in Need

A Bowl Full Of Food With Decoration On It

The Christmas season is a time our hearts are ‘tuning in’ to God. We see those in need and have compassion, or at least that’s what we hope happens. Sometimes we see beggars on the street and our hearts turn cold, thinking the beggars don’t deserve our compassion. Thankfully there are extra opportunities to help…

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Episode 381 – Generosity

Rev. Fr. Athanasios Haros

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, our minds are on the idea of giving. We will feast and have plenty of leftovers. We may even give others our leftovers so they also can eat. We fool ourselves if we think that giving after we have had everything we need is generous. Giving from our…

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The Cure for Greed

A bundle of 100 dollars on a table

In the parable of the Rich Fool, Jesus teaches us the deadly result of a greedy heart. Faced with full barns and a banner crop, the Rich Fool panics because he has no place to store his growing wealth. “I will do this,” he says, “I will pull down my barns and build greater, and…

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Don’t Wait to Give

A bundle of 100 dollars on a table

November traditionally is stewardship season in many Churches. It is that special time of year when we are asked to consider our stewardship commitment to our church for the next year. In some cases, still, churches expect certain dollar amounts. In other cases, churches have accepted a completely open expectation for faithful to commit what…

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Wealth is not the Problem

A picture of dollars

We live in the richest nation in the world. The poorest of the poor in America are still ‘better off’ financially than in any other nation. Thousands per day are risking their lives just come for a chance at a better life. Unfortunately, they think money will cure what causes their suffering. Money might help…

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Are We Killing the Church?

Location of St Stephen's Martyrdom

Sometimes I wonder what the effect of our indifference to the Church may be. It seems every time I turn around another ‘good one’ has turned away from fervent faith. Maybe he doesn’t leave the Church completely, but the comes when he frequents the movie theater more than the Church. The effects of this behavior…

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