Posts Tagged ‘Christmas’
Christmas Has Begun
The Church has a wonderful tradition of ramping up a celebration ‘in anticipation’ of a feast. This tradition is called the Forefeast, and begins to offer hymns and readings that reflect the coming feast. The greater the feast, the greater the forefeast. In the case of Christmas the Forefeast began on December 20th, but we’ve…
Read MoreImpossible Made Possible
We are just days away from the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. It is the celebration of the coming in the flesh of the eternal God. It is a miracle of miracles. What was impossible has been made possible by God. At that time, as Jesus was setting out on his journey, a man…
Read MoreSecular Christmas
Anyone who knows me knows I love Christmas music. I am not the one complaining if it plays ‘too early’ on the radio. In fact, with the benefit of modern music streaming services, I find myself listening to Christmas music not just at Christmas. I also enjoy Christmas decorations and Christmas sweaters, even the ‘ugly’…
Read MoreChristmas Repentance
What does repentance have to do with Christmas, you ask? It has everything to do with Christmas. Our society has long since forgotten that Christmas is not about sales and decorations. It is about welcoming the King of Glory into the world as a baby. We do it all for our salvation. I ask a…
Read MoreCount the Cost
Our society is infatuated with debt. We borrow money to purchase ‘what we want, when we want it’ no matter how much it costs. With Christmas still on our minds, many are dreading the coming credit card bill to discover just how much they spent this year on the holidays. Many will never know. They…
Read MoreDon’t Pack Christmas Away Just Yet
Shortly after the birth of Christ, Joseph was warned in a dream to flee to Egypt with Christ and His Mother. The world was already out to ‘get’ Him. What a shame if the world had won in its battle against God. We know the story. Joseph took Christ and His Mother and left for…
Read MoreEpisode 384 – We Can’t Always have a Merry Christmas, but we can always Glorify God
It isn’t always easy to be merry at Christmas. For many families Christmas this year is a time of pain and suffering. The Birth of Christ, our Savior, is worthy of celebration. This is why the traditional greeting for Christmas is ‘Christ is Born; Glorify Him!’ It perfectly captures the truth that we glorify God…
Read MoreSometimes Families Betray Each Other
Nobody enjoys admitting it, but we all know at least one family that suffers from a broken relationship. We don’t often hear about these families on the nightly news. When we do, the story is so egregious, the sensationalist media can’t resist distributing the story. Every now and then we hear about a parent that…
Read MoreEpisode 383 – Not Perfect but Committed to God
On the Sunday before Christmas every year the Church hears a long list of names of the generations of Christ. From Abraham until Joseph the Church reminds us of the righteous ancestors of Christ described in the Old Testament. When you combine them with the saints of the New Testament we get a complete picture…
Read MoreTime Change
It has become a normal part of life twice per year for the clock to change between Daylight Savings and Standard Time. Suddenly it is dark when it was light and light when it was dark. We eventually get accustomed to the time change, but not without it first affecting our bodies. The same is…
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