Created for Good Works

One of my least favorite sayings is, “God has a plan for you.” It makes it sound as if we have no free will in the relationship. It makes it sound like we have ‘only one thing’ to accomplish in this life. It is true that God has a plan for us, but the plan…

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A Role for Everyone

We live in a very competitive society. At work, our abilities are constantly being compared to our coworkers. In the neighborhood the state of our landscaping is seen as compared to the houses around us. Even at home our lives tend to be competitive between siblings. At least in the Church it would be nice…

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Christian Relationships

Long before you and I were born God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis 2.18) He wasn’t talking about needing someone for housework or to work the fields. He was talking about our salvation. Since we are created in the image of God, Who is a community of love in…

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The Church Mission

It has become vogue to talk about Church as a family. It is a family, but being a family is not the Church’s mission. It is not the mission of any family to keep to itself, but many churches do just that. We live as if our Church is ‘just’ for our entertainment. It is…

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The Blood of Christ

Among the differences between Christians is the understanding of salvation. Some believe ‘once saved always saved’. Others believe that salvation is by grace alone. Still others believe that salvation must be earned. One thing is consistent. Salvation requires the Blood of Christ, but we can’t seem to agree on what that means. Brethren, we have…

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Heaven is for You

A beautiful praying area with pictures of Jesus

As humans we are so preoccupied with getting into heaven, we forget that we can’t ‘do anything’ to get in. We can only prepare ourselves to accept what God has already done for us in the first place. A life of prayer, fasting and taking care of the poor isn’t about getting ‘in’, it is…

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Armor is for Battle

A metal helmet kept on a ground

A dangerous trend exists among many Christians, too many. Many mistakenly think that if we believe in Jesus Christ as God, then we will forever be comforted. The so-called ‘prosperity gospel’ goes so far as to suggest that God wants all believers to be rich. Rich or poor, the idea that Christians don’t have to…

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Holy Families

Candles lighting

Take just one look around your local Church and you will see what most people see. You will see a room full of families. They may not all look the same, but the families of the Church are what keep the faith alive. Children don’t take themselves to Church. Parents don’t learn how to nurture…

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Prayer for Others

A man is praying to god

What does it mean to pray for others? “Dear God. My friend Johnny needs help finding a new job. He is unhappy and doesn’t want to work anymore. Please find a new job for my friend Johnny.” Is that prayer for others? It is prayer, but I personally would be afraid to pray this prayer.…

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Honor in Relationships

All hands united together

Yesterday I wrote about marriage and the equality that exists in a holy marriage. Continuing on the theme of family, today I wanted to talk about children along with their parents. The issues are not entirely separate. Children must honor their parents. Is it really such a one-way relationship? Brethren, let each one of you…

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