I Really REALLY Mean it this Time

Really With A Question mark Printed On A Board

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was a young child trying to convince someone what I wanted. I told them over and over again but this person didn’t believe me. “No. I really mean it this time.” Again, I tried to convince my opponent. “I really REALLY mean it.” It wasn’t until I…

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Ignorance or Indifference

A Girl Shouting With Fingers In Hand

When we are toddlers, our parents are charged with teaching us right from wrong. The degree of right and wrong changes as we grow in maturity. What is cute for a toddler is eventually wrong for a teenager, etc. When we are little, our poor behavior can be ignored simply because we don’t know better.…

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Genuine Repentance

Christ is Risen! It has been a long-time source of frustration for me. I watch from a distance on TV news. Politicians along with their respective detractors accusing each other of being fake. Policies change with the wind for the sake of garnering votes. Statements are retracted after receiving ‘bad press’ only to be reworded…

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Episode 394 – Turn Your Attention to Christ

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

Going through life we learn that where we look will guide our attention. If we want our life to follow Christ, then we must turn our attention to Christ. It requires courage and faith to not be distracted by the temptations of the world. Transcript: My brothers and sisters, in this morning’s gospel, we hear…

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Orthodox Bucket List

Whats On Your Bucket list Written On Front OF A Notebook

Christ is Risen! The other day I saw a meme about aging. It said something to the effect of, “With age every day becomes more urgent to get right with God.” I laughed, because today we normally associate fewer days ‘left’ in life as fewer days to have fun. We are encouraged to have bucket…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 37

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

During this year’s Daily Lenten Journey, we’ve been focusing on returning to the beginning. We return not just to study the past, but to restart and refocus our attention on the importance of our salvation. Our return to the beginning has allowed us to remember the promise that God made. He will save us. In…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 23

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

Whether you open a bank account, subscribe to online software, or purchase a house, one thing is for sure. You will need to sign on the bottom line. Some do business with a handshake. Others have rooms full of legal experts drafting pages of agreements for official signatures. Our mutual dealings are signed for proof…

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Episode 386 – The Pain of Change

Rev. Fr. Athanasios Haros

In the Gospel of the Prodigal Son, we learn about the pain of change. Until it hurts more to remain where we are, we won’t change. Once change hurts less than remaining the same, we won’t return home. The good news is once we turn to return to the Father, He finishes the journey for…

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The Pain of Coming to Your Senses

In the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15.11-32), Jesus tells us of the journey of the youngest son of a father, who wants to go out on his own. He demands to collect his inheritance early and strikes out on his own. His father, loving and supportive, allows his son to leave the safety…

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Turn to the Experts

We do it all the time. We turn to experts to learn from their experience. Whether it be doctors, athletes, or just simple local tradespeople, the experts help us to navigate through obstacles in our lives. ‘Do-it-yourself’ books and videos are filled with learning opportunities for us to overcome our challenges. If it works in…

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