Christians in a Foreign Land

We have been spoiled as Christians for many centuries. Secular society has ‘more or less’ lifted our Christian morals. Through decades of public schools our Christian morals have been reinforced. That has all changed in the past few decades. Schools no longer reinforce Christian standards, and society no longer pays attention to our standards. It…

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Giving Everything

You’re walking down the city sidewalk, and a homeless man begs for help. You reach into your pocket and grab the spare change and toss it in his hat. You feel good about yourself for not ignoring the man and go about your day satisfied. You never miss the loose change that was in your…

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Freely Give

As Americans we are raised to believe ‘we are worth’ our effort. Sayings such as ‘an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay,’ fill our conscience. We also say, ‘nothing is free’ to further convince each other that we deserve the pay we receive. What if I told you there was a better way?…

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Early Stewardship

A bundle of 100 dollars on a table

Some think that Christian Stewardship is an invention of the Church to ‘make money’ in the world. People donate to the causes close to their heart. Keep the Church close to people, and they will keep donating. Of course, Christian Stewardship has nothing to do with money and everything to do with the Gospel. At…

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How are you Using Your Gifts?

We hear about Stewardship all the time. The problem is, we only ever hear about money. What is worse, we only hear about how much money the Church needs. We might hear a token mention of time and talents in the annual stewardship pitch. We hardly ever hear about stewardship outside of the Church’s needs.…

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When God Gets Involved

Without proper food and water, people die. Throughout history wars have been fought over these types of resources. In fact, add only energy supplies, and not much has changed. Wars still happen over resources. There is one thing the world still hasn’t understood. When God gets involved, there is always enough. At that time, Jesus,…

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Seek the Kingdom

Inside View Of A Church With Jesus Christ Idol

Christ is Risen! When we think of our resources and income, we think about investing for the future. We think about vacations in the Alps. We think about leaving a legacy for our children. It is well known that most Americans live ‘paycheck to paycheck’ thinking only about getting through today. The two concepts, focusing…

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Don’t Wait to Give

A bundle of 100 dollars on a table

November traditionally is stewardship season in many Churches. It is that special time of year when we are asked to consider our stewardship commitment to our church for the next year. In some cases, still, churches expect certain dollar amounts. In other cases, churches have accepted a completely open expectation for faithful to commit what…

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Christian Stewardship

Every year in the fall months, churches offer presentations about stewardship. We hear about tithing. We hear about sacrificial giving. We even hear about budget sharing. All these share a common element. All focus on ‘how’ we give our stewardship. They miss the foundation of Christian Stewardship. At that time Jesus went on through cities…

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How Will You Help the Lord This Week?

A cross sign in the middle of a sunset

In the Gospel of Luke we hear the calling of the first disciples of Christ while they were “off duty” from their day of fishing. Jesus “saw two boats standing by the lake, but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets.” (Luke 5.2) Their day was finished and I’m sure the…

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