Day 24 – A Day for Celebration

I’m committed to focus on hope this week, and today is the best day for hope. In the middle of Great Lent, even without Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic, just when we are tired and need a little uplifting, a day of refreshment arrives just in time. Today is the Feast of Annunciation.

Fish, wine and oil are allowed today (if you are following the strict fast) and a full Divine Liturgy rather than a Presanctified Liturgy is offered. These two combine to lift our hearts and souls to honor the free will gift the Panagia, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, to accept the invitation for God to become incarnate in her for the salvation of the world. It is truly a day for celebration.

If you don’t strict fast, you should at least lighten your fast today. This means if you fast only from meat, eat meat. If you fast from meat and dairy, you should have dairy today. In this way you not only honor the feast, you avoid the sin of pride like the Pharisee. Within the recommended safety guidelines of the CDC and your local authorities, do something today to celebrate while still keeping the character of Great Lent. You should still avoid dancing and other raucous activities as it is still Great Lent, do a small something to honor the Feast.


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