God Sends His Message of Hope to the Entire World

As we learn in the Parable of the Sower found in Luke 8.5-15, we are told that God is the Sower and the Seed in the Word of God. We are told that sometimes we hear the word of God when our hearts are too hard to accept His Word, and the demons come and steal it away. We are told that sometimes our hearts are like the rocks or the thorns, and we hear the Word of God but never bear fruit because of the struggles and temptation and pleasures of life. We are even told that sometimes we are like the good soil and hear the Word of God and it grows deep in our hearts, but the most beautiful part of the Parable is hearing that God sends out His Word no matter who is there to listen, whether or not we are ready, whether or not we are worthy. The best part of the parable is understanding that maybe our heart isn’t actually ready to hear the Word of God, because now we can change and prepare our heart for the next time we hear the Word of God.


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