
Relics Old and New

The idea of relics, remnants of holy objects or even physical remains of holy saints, has long been a blessing to the people of God. Whether it was the mantle of Prophet Elias or the handkerchief of Saint Paul as told in the Holy Scriptures, or the thousands of stories of holy relics through the centuries of Church history, we continue to be blessed by such reminders of God’s love and grace.

Today the Church commemorates both an old relic and a modern relic. During the 5th century, pilgrims were blessed to receive one of the Precious Robes of the Virgin Mary, which had been handed down for generations since her death. The robe performed many miracles, and continues to be revered by the Church. Today is also the commemoration of a modern Saint, John Maximovich who served among other places in America during the 20th century. He was widely known for his holy way of life, and to this day (he reposed in 1966) his body has never decomposed.

In both cases, the Precious Robe of Panagia and the Incorrupt Body of Saint John, the Holy Relics are not just rare and random events in the life of the Church. God has been revealing His Grace and mercy through miraculous relics for generations. If the example of miracle relics does not draw our heart toward God, then maybe our hearts have grown cold.

I wonder sometimes about how people can ignore such obvious blessings from God. In Tarpon Springs, the host parish of Be Transfigured Ministries, the entire region (Orthodox and non-Orthodox) speak of the protection of Saint Nicholas during hurricanes, yet many still refuse to live a life devoted to God. Eventually, I would think, people would give up the idea of coincidences and accept that God is working through His Creation. There was even a weeping icon of Saint Nicholas here in the 1970’s that drew thousands of people, with no long-term connection.

When it comes to physical miracles, like healings under the shadow of Saint Paul’s handkerchief, maybe our minds have grown to accustomed to modern medical marvels and advances. After all, blind people see, and lame people walk everyday due to modern medicine. God is ‘going to have to do much better’ if His wonders are going to draw people to Him.

In the meantime, for those of us who believe, we have Holy Relics to remind us of God’s love and grace. He never has let us down, and He never will. For that we are thankful. Today is just a another reminder to keep our faith strong.


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