
Saints for the Lost of America

Just look around and you will see them. There are many Orthodox Christians that walk through your neighborhoods, lost. I don’t mean they don’t know where they are walking. I mean they are spiritually lost, surrounded by false teachers and myriad temptations. More and more every day, the lost faithful disappear into the fabric of our secular state. They need someone to bring them home.

Today is the Feast of Saint Raphael of Brooklyn. Yes, that’s right. You read that correctly BROOKLYN, NEW YORK! He was the first bishop ordained in America and spent his entire ministry finding lost Orthodox Christians and reuniting them with the faith of their fathers. He is one of a growing number of saints that have served The New World in the past two hundred years.

What was once blamed on immigration, has become a modern problem in just about every city with a Church. At one time, Orthodox Christians were forced to migrate to cities and countries without Orthodox Churches to lead them to Christ. The need for a ‘good job’ sent immigrants into far away towns.

If they were able to attend Church services, it was rare and on only the highest holidays. Saint Raphael helped change that by bringing clergy to growing communities. Many of our Churches which today celebrate their centennials, have Saint Raphael and other holy bishops of the past for having the courage to find the lost souls and build a church.

Today, things are a bit different. There are churches in just about every city. With modern transportation options, there are very few places one can live in America where attending an Orthodox Church is impossible. Distance from the church is no longer why we are lost.

The lost souls of today are not in far away towns. They are our neighbors and even family members. For myriad reasons, today’s lost drive past the church of their fathers without even a glance. Just a generation ago, their fathers would have stopped the car and crossed themselves just passing the doors of the church. They need someone to seek them out, and bring them home.

At that time, Jesus called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal. And he said to them, “Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics. And whatever house you enter, stay there, and from there depart. And wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them.” And they departed and went through the villages, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere.

Luke 9.1-6

Christ sent the Apostles to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He sent Saint Raphael and others. Now he sends YOU! The lost Orthodox Christians of America need faithful friends and neighbors to bring them home. Saint Raphael toured the nation looking for them. We already know their names and where they live. The only thing stopping us is us.

There is no better time than the present to begin your journey. If you read this blog, chances are you attend Divine Liturgy on a regular basis. Today is Saturday. Pick up the phone and call a friend you haven’t seen in Church in a while. Invite your friend to come with you to Church tomorrow.

You will be surprised by how many people miss attending Church. They remember attending with their grandparents. I meet them just about every day. “I really should be in Church more,” they say. Some are just too embarrassed to return after being away so long. Some don’t remember how to behave. Some don’t know when services begin.

Yes, there will be some who say, “No,” but we can’t let them get us down. Don’t force them. Don’t pressure them. Just invite them to attend with you. If they refuse, move on to the next friend. You can ask again another day.

The lost need our help. They need someone to love them enough to go looking for them. That someone is YOU!

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