
No Guarantees

Our consumer society has a way of convincing us to purchase products we don’t even desire. Retailers and manufacturers proudly assert a money back guarantee if we are not satisfied. All we need to do is change our mind. Salvation does not come with a money back guarantee.

The Lord said, “Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.'”

Matthew 7.21-23

Just because we call Jesus Lord, does not mean we are guaranteed a spot in heaven. That’s not me saying it. That is Christ. We have to ‘do something’ that proves we see Him as Lord. Remember! Even the devil believes that Jesus is Christ God.

We must do the will of the Father to be saved and be with Christ in heaven. WHAT!? The will of the Father is that we genuinely love one another as He loves. It won’t matter if we preach Jesus Christ as God if we don’t love even one person we encounter. It won’t be ‘enough’ to be in heaven.

The only way to be with Christ is heaven is to love as He loves. He loves freely and allows others to freely love Him in return. His love for us is expressed by His desire for us “to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2.4) Love of God brings knowledge of God.

Here’s the deal. If His will is that everyone should know Him and be saved, then that must be our work. It doesn’t mean forcing them to believe. It won’t ever mean tricking them. It can only mean loving them as He loves them. When you feel God’s love, you respond.

The response isn’t always a good one. Sometimes the response to His love is hell because we don’t ‘like what we see’ in His love. Remember the Prodigal Son’s brother was in hell because he responded with anger to the father’s love. Don’t allow yourself to be angry at God’s love.

If you find yourself angry at God’s love, and you are still alive, be thankful you still have a chance. We have until we die to learn to love as God loves. Once we are dead, it will be too late. Want a ‘test’ to see if you will be in heaven?

Think of the most despised human being that is alive or has ever lived. Now, imagine seeing God love that person ‘no less’ than He loves you. If the idea of that vision angers you, or confuses you, or makes you feel jealous, then you have work to do. You are the older brother.

It won’t matter how many times you call Jesus, Lord, if you are angry when you see Him love someone you don’t think ‘deserves’ to be there. You won’t experience His love as heaven. You will say, “But I was in Church. I fasted. I even gave the Church my money.” It won’t be enough.

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