The Last Prayer of the Day
To wrap up our series on personal prayer in the evening, we turn our attention to the ritual of bedtime. We wash our bodies and set out our clothes for tomorrow. You might want to just ‘jump in bed’ but you would miss out on the joy of giving yourself to God.
Under the protection of your wings I shall be covered and fall asleep, for in you only, Lord, does my hope lie. Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my soul and my body. Do bless me, do have mercy on me, and grant me eternal life. Amen.
The typical physical position for prayer is called the orans position. We stand in front of our home altar with our arms open wide, looking at God. In this position, our heart is completely vulnerable and without protection. It is why many people cross their arms among strangers.
By nature, we protect the vulnerable parts of our body. The final prayer in our personal prayer series touches on this same truth. We know that while we sleep, we are completely vulnerable and needs God’s presence. We ask God to cover us with His wings.
In case we don’t awake, it is our final chance to give ourselves to God. Think of this prayer as your ‘living will’ which expresses your desire for ‘what happens’ if you die while you’re asleep. “I commend my soul and body,” is nothing less than our ‘spiritual’ last will and testament.
This brings our second week of Great Lent to an end. Tomorrow we will begin our discussion of prayers in the services of the Church, many of which you may never have heard or even know exist. Until tomorrow, happy praying.
Tags: Death, forgiveness, Great Lent, prayer