
Orthros Prayer Ten

It is too easy to think all Saints were always saints. Some of the greatest saints were among the ‘worst’ sinners. Today our Daily Lenten Journey will consider how we can pray for repentance and forgiveness of sins.

During Great Lent the Church, because she loves us, elevates saints of great repentance. Since before Great Lent began, the Church was lifting up examples like the Prodigal Son and Publican to inspire us to repentance. Today’s prayer turns to the image of King David repentance.

O Lord our God, Who grants the remission of sins to mankind through repentance, and Who shows us an example of forgiveness through the acknowledgment and confession of sin by Your prophet David’s repentance: despite our falling into many great sins, have mercy on us according to Your great mercy, O Master, and wipe out our offenses in the abundance of Your compassion; for we have sinned against You, O Lord, Who know the hidden and secret things of man’s heart, and Who alone have the power to remit sins. Create in us a clean heart, and establish us with Your governing Spirit; and make us know the joy of Your salvation; do not cast us away from Your presence; but, in Your goodness and love for mankind, allow us, even until our final breath, to offer a righteous sacrifice to You at Your Holy Altars. Through the mercy, compassion, and love for mankind of Your only-begotten Son, with Whom You are blessed, together with Your all-holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Many forget that King David was a murderous adulterer. Many forget, because of our ignorance of the Scriptures that the people begged and ‘demanded’ God give them a king like everyone else. The 50th Psalm (51st according to the Protestant numbering) reveals his repentance.

In this single verse we learn that we are forgiven by God and how we can find the strength to forgive others. If our sin is only against God, then everyone else’s sin is also only against God. If He forgives us, He will forgive them.

Since all sin is against God, then we have no reason to hold a grudge. We have no reason to plan vengeance. It is quite simply that easy to forgive when we admit nothing was against us. We may ‘feel’ the sin like a slap, but it is nonetheless against God.

What a great way to start every day, remembering how to forgive and how we are forgiven. It is just the boost we all need to inspire us toward repentance. Now that we know how easy it is to forgive, let’s ‘go out there’ and forgive.

Happy praying.

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