Orthros Prayer Twelve
We have been reviewing the silent Orthros prayers. Some prayers ‘just say it all’ when it comes to our faith in God. Other prayers are more direct and specific. Today’s prayer is an all-encompassing prayer that finalizes the twelve prayers offered during the Six Psalms of Orthros.
We praise You, we sing to You, we bless You, and we give thanks to You, the God of our fathers, for You dispelled the darkness of night, and once again You have shown us the light of the day. But we beseech Your goodness: be merciful toward our sins, and receive our prayer in Your great mercy, for we seek refuge in You, the merciful and all-powerful God. Shine in our hearts the true Sun of Your justice; enlighten our mind, and preserve all our senses, so that we may walk on the path of Your commandments as though in the light of day, and thereby attain eternal life; for from You is the Fountain of Life, and may we be made worthy of receiving Your unapproachable Light. For You are our God, and to You we send up glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
It is almost as if this prayer is intentionally a ‘wrap-up’ prayer before the service moves on to the Great Litany of Peace. We praise, sing, bless and thank God, all as we begin the day as a Christian family. Remember, Orthros is a communal service and not personal prayers.
That is one benefit to communal prayers. In addition to glorifying God, these prayers serve as rallying efforts for the Church. In this case, as a family, we beg God to “be merciful toward our sins.” Here’s a reminder from Christ.
For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. Matthew 18.20
Does that mean our prayers are ‘more effective’ when we gather as a Church? As I have said before, God is always listening, but when we gather as a Church, He is physically present among us. I’m not saying communal prayers are more effective, but I’m not saying they aren’t.
The context of this passage from the Gospel of Matthew is the interaction of the Church. Today’s prayer is a vivid reminder of the benefit of the Church. None of us is alone in our struggles, nor in our prayer for God’s mercy.
If we need more encouragement to come to Church instead of ‘just’ praying at home, this prayer fits the bill. Not only are we asking God to be with us, but we are also asking Him to be with others in the Church, and others are asking Him to be with us. It’s a win-win-win scenario.
Let’s face it. Any time we focus on our journey to Christ, as a Church, we benefit. It doesn’t end at prayers. When we fast as a Church, we benefit. When we serve the poor as a Church, we benefit. When we celebrate the sacraments, ALL benefit, another great reminder for Great Lent.
Happy praying.
Tags: Church, Great Lent, prayer, relationships, Sacraments, worship