Posts Tagged ‘Acts of the Apostles’
Household of Faith
It can be difficult to understand our faith is not an individual faith but a family faith. Living in America can make leaving individualism behind a bit difficult. We are trained from a young age to stand on our own, believe on our own, act on our own. This is obvious even in Protestant baptism,…
Read MoreLeadership Development
When Christ was on the Earth, He spent most of His time with a small group of followers we know as disciples. Some among them He called directly while others followed on their own. Among the small group our Lord took twelve and developed a holy sense of leadership they would need to lead the…
Read MoreContentions are Nothing New
Lately there has arisen some tension in the Greek Orthodox Church over a baptism that took place in Greece. I will not speak directly to that situation today, but it came to mind when I read today’s reading from the book of Acts. If you are worried about the tensions that are currently circulating, or…
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