be true

Be Orthodox or Not

A disturbing trend recently has been for people to ‘argue’ about what the Church teaches. I understand non-Orthodox not agreeing with our teachings. They would be Orthodox if they agreed, naturally. What is disturbing is when professing Orthodox Christians would ‘rather’ choose non-Orthodox teachings and argue ‘their’ Church is wrong.

Admittedly the Church hasn’t done an extraordinary job teaching her faithful over the years. This failure (in my opinion) has been compounded by the ready presence of the false teachers filling in the gaps. I know many professing Orthodox Christians that attend bible studies with non-Orthodox teachers. This is quite dangerous.

Several years ago, during a “Q&A Sermon” I suggested it was better to stay home and watch an Orthodox Liturgy and sermon online, than to attend a non-Orthodox service. I believe that being exposed to incorrect theology through non-Orthodox sermons ‘over and over again’ eventually affects what we believe. I received many angry comments that I would suggest other Christians were wrong.

It is possible to believe incorrect teachings and be a Christian. Saint Paul wouldn’t have had the need to write so many letters if not. Yet even Saint Paul had to change his teachings to conform to the Holy Apostles. Go back and read Acts and see how Saint Paul interacted with the Apostles who had authority to correct teachings.

If you are a professing Orthodox Christian and want to know ‘what is the proper teaching’ about a topic, you should avoid asking either non-Orthodox teachers or untrained Orthodox friends. Just because someone you ‘grew up with’ believes something to be true, doesn’t make it true.

If you want to learn about the Holy Scriptures, join an Orthodox Christian Bible Study at your local parish. If you cannot attend your local parish Bible Study, you can always join our LIVESTREAM Bible Study. We are currently studying 1st Corinthians.

The point today is, either be Orthodox or not. The Orthodox Church has been faithful to the faith that “was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude 1.3) Christ promised the Holy Spirit would come upon the Holy Apostles and guide them “into all the truth.” (John 16.13) If you encounter a teaching that cannot be found in the Holy Apostles, then my advice is…..RUN.

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