
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons


The Cost of Freedom

As Americans we often hear mention of the cost of freedom. We honor the memory...

Faith is not the Opposite of Reason

Have you ever been challenged by someone about what you believe? Have you ever heard...

Patience Saves

Our world moves quickly. Deals are made in ‘fast time’ using communication technology ‘at the...

False Accusation

There is a venerable tradition in our country of innocent until proven guilty. That doesn’t...

Violence Does Not Serve God

The world is a violent place and violent people are constantly searching for ways to...

Separation is Death

It’s just one Sunday. I’ll go to Church next week. Weeks become months. Months become...
Composition for Father's day on wooden background

Fatherhood and Faith – A Divine Partnership

“A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good...
Different people making a heart figure

Unity in Love

Since before Christ’s Holy Passion, He has been urging us to unity in love. In...

The Praise of Men

We all enjoy it. Most of us crave it. We want to hear other people...

Turn the World Upside Down

Living in the 21st Century has its privileges. It also has its challenges. We have...


The past decade or so has seen a drastic shift in social behavior toward Christians....

Saved by Grace

Do you believe? Do you have to ‘do works’ to be saved? Why do we...

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